
We need YOU to help us fulfill our mission. Your tax-deductible donation stays right here in Jefferson City Missouri to directly support YOUR Jefferson City Police Officers.

The Jefferson City Missouri Police Foundation exists to supplement, not supplant, public funding allocated for policing services. Foundation funds are expressly prohibited from being used to replace city dollars that are allocated for fundamental policing expenses, including employee salaries and benefits.

Public tax dollars support basic personnel and equipment costs, but those funds are limited for expensive cutting-edge equipment and technology.

The Foundation helps to ensure your donation goes directly providing the Jefferson City Police Department with the best equipment and training available to protect you, your family, homes and businesses.

The Jefferson City Police Foundation is currently only taking written checks. We will be looking to establish an online donation option in the very near future. To donate, please make your check out to Jefferson City Missouri Police Foundation and mail your check to:

Jefferson City Missouri Police Foundation

401 Monroe Street

Jefferson City, MO 65101

Upon receipt of your generous donation, you will be provided with a receipt indicating the amount of your donation and a statement of the charity designation of the organization.